Apple Creates New Earpods Using 3D Scans of Human Ears
Posted on: 09/12/2012 09:05 PM
These amazing looking little earbuds (called Earpods) face the unique challenge of earbud design: everyone's ear is different. Everyone has used Apple's previous earbuds... they just plain suck; because they don't fit
your ear.

Earpods have spend 3 whole years in R&D. The special trick Apple used to make a promising, sleek looking, one-size-fits-all earbud? 3D Scanning. The projects development team used precise 3D scans of the inside of thousands of ears so they could map all those funky ridges, bumps, and humps. Then, they used this data to create an object that would not only comfortably fit inside almost everyones ears, but also sound incredible. The design uses multiple ports to draw air into the speakers, providing much imporved midrange and bass response.
They aren't expensive either. Just $29, and they also have a built in microphone and controller to answer calls and change volume. Not only that, they ship free with the iPhone 5, new iPod touch, and new iPod Nano (no iPod Shuffle, though). You can get a pair right now at the
Apple Store, and learn more about them at Apple's
design page (scroll down a bit).