DirecTV Cuts n3D Broadcasting from 24/7 to Part Time
Posted on: 06/30/2012 03:53 PM
DirecTV has reduced the n3D channel to part-time programing hours as of June 1st, but didn't really announce it...

Its been almost two years since DirecTV launched its n3D channel broadcasting 3D content around the clock. But as of June first, DirecTV has reduced the channel to part-time programing hours. We are not sure if the change is due to a lack of fresh content or viewer adoption, and DirecTV made a small statement that didn't point either way. The change has gone largely unreported for nearly a month, which isn't a good sign. 3Net and ESPN 3D continue to broadcast without interruption with the ESPN 3D broadcasting live from Wimbledon this week, and DirecTV has confirmed it will be airing tape delayed
3D footage from the Olympics provided by NBC this summer. This announcement isn't too worrying, though - remember when all the early HD channels shut down because of "lack of support"? I have a feeling its going to come back bigger and better than before.