First Ever 3D Eyewear Retail Store Opens in USA
Posted on: 07/05/2012 06:11 PM
3Dom 3D Eyewear has officially opened the first 3D retail store in Los Angeles, CA this week (LA gets everything first, ugh). Stocking designer, fashion focus, and RealD Certified 3D eyewear, they are the first of their kind to push this emerging retail category.
3Dom 3D Eyewear is working in cooperation with Look3D Eyewear to make this retail push that will hopefully position them as the leader in the 3D Eyewear retail industry, which up until now didn't exist.
Look3D Eyewear is the world leader in the 3D eyewear market, being the first company to have its 3D eyewear RealD Certified, and have since produced collectors 3D glasses for many major movie releases such as Harry Potter, Cars 2, Star Wars 3D and the latest glasses for the Katy Perry: Part Of Me 3D release. If you're at all into 3D, you probably know who they are. Along with these themed frames, 3Dom has released Look3D's 2012 Designer 3D Collection and will also have an Oakley 3D frame and Gunnar Optiks 3D glasses available for sale at the new retail location in the Westfield Santa Anita Mall in LA. Unfortunetly, we only have one crappy little photo of the new retail booth (if anyone lives in Santa Anita, please submit a better one!).

With 3D being a focus in most film studios and many of the consumer electronic companies such as LG pushing the 3D home entertainment market, this could potentially be the first of many 3D retail stores to come.