Inflatable 3D PosterProps Coming to USA
Posted on: 07/25/2012 01:31 AM
The big problem for crazy jump-out-at-you 3D props on billboard advertisement is the need for special equipment, special rigging, special building of the props themselves... a whole bunch of expensive things. But, this new patented product is a vibrant, digitally-printed prop that simply clips on over an existing billboard poster, helping to make a product really stand out from the competition. They are light-weight yet robust and they don't require any specialist vehicles or lifting equipment. That's part of why PosterProps are so much cheaper than existing hard-format props. They are easy to use, easy to print, easy to customize, and inflatable.

Case studies have shown consumers love the idea of 3D outdoor adverts. If you are in a business that often uses billboards to advertise, then you know this new product (or we could even call it technology) is game changing. And with MMT now partnering with PosterProps, the US market is open and ready to roar. MMT is a media display company serving the advertising, sports and commercial graphics industries since 1987 with innovative systems and solutions for large format installations, whose mission is to identify and create exceptional visual experiences that exceed client expectations and yield outstanding results. Its a pretty good partnership, if you ask me. Check out PosterProps
here and check out MMT