Make Parts for Your Volvo with a 3D Printer
Posted on: 07/09/2012 05:51 PM
Shapeways posted this story about a man who made parts for his Volvo with a 3D printer:
"Sometimes when you buy a new car you can find there is a little something missing, whether it be an extra-large cup holder, iPhone mount or a custom gear shifter. Mark Moore found his new Volvo C30 came with the facility to hang dry cleaning but they provided no hook, only a slot. The solution, a 3D Printed hook to support coat hangers that slides right into the provided slot."

"Mark has designed a long and a short version, the bottom of the longer version can be seen from outside the vehicle through the back window so that you can hang your cleaning without craning your neck inside the door to see what your doing. However, the long hook is long enough that you may want to remove it temporarily if you are going to have rear-seat passengers. An elegant solution to perfectly fit the functionality and aesthetic of the car...."
Buy the hanger here [/url=]on Shapeways[/url] for $14.63, or whip out your 3D printer and get creative!