Posted by: Jesse on: 01/08/2013 03:07 PM
Yes, thats right, these shell-like objects use the built-in speakers in your iPhone (or most smartphones on the market, actually) for the sound creation, then amplify them by using naturally occurring acoustically engineered designs. You might even hear the ocean if you hold a Symphony Shell up to your ear!
The goal of the Kickstarter project is to develop new, ecofriendly, fully recyclable materials for 3D printing the singing shells. That means consumers like me and you will enjoy lessened environmental impact and a lower price point. Pizzaz!
Compatible phones include:
Apple: iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 (+ case size up to Otterbox Defender model, if desired), and iPod Touch (4th and 5th Generation models)
HTC: Droid DNA
Motorola: Droid Razr Maxx
Nokia: Lumia 920
Samsung: Galaxy S II, Galaxy S III, Galaxy Note II
Back them on Kickstarter now and get special pricing on a Shell, or check out the three different designs and two different styles here: Solo Line or [/url=]Ensemble Line[/url].
The full Kickstarter project is here: