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3D FarmVille 2 is Available Now!
Posted by: Jesse on: 09/07/2012 05:06 PM [ Print |
FarmVille 2 picks up where the original FarmVille left off. You will travel to a vibrant countryside, returning to your old family farm in hopes of making it the lush landscape it was before. You will work with friends to harvest crops, raise animals, and produce fresh goods to sell from a roadside stand or local grocery store.

The new game is similar overall, but has a slew of new (really awesome) features that make it so much better the the previous game.
3D - Yep, finally, FarmVille doesn't look like something straight out of 1998 anymore. The 3D graphics look stunningly good, and have fun animations.
Storyline - There is now a little storyline that goes along with your farm.
Characters - Whats a storyline without characters? Now there are dedicated characters that help you out through the course of running your farm.
Friends - Its easier than ever to connect with friends, and have friends help you out on the farm (they get dropped off in cool little trucks, you'll see)
And there are a heck-of-a-lot more features, but you'd be here all afternoon reading them. Watch this little 'Making Of' video for some cool explanations, then head over to Facebook and start playing now!
The new game is similar overall, but has a slew of new (really awesome) features that make it so much better the the previous game.
3D - Yep, finally, FarmVille doesn't look like something straight out of 1998 anymore. The 3D graphics look stunningly good, and have fun animations.
Storyline - There is now a little storyline that goes along with your farm.
Characters - Whats a storyline without characters? Now there are dedicated characters that help you out through the course of running your farm.
Friends - Its easier than ever to connect with friends, and have friends help you out on the farm (they get dropped off in cool little trucks, you'll see)
And there are a heck-of-a-lot more features, but you'd be here all afternoon reading them. Watch this little 'Making Of' video for some cool explanations, then head over to Facebook and start playing now!