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3D Modeling 
3DVIA lets you create and store your 3D models in beautiful 3D environments, all free, online, and on any device!
10 amazing computer generated images of the ladies. Totally safe for work. Uh, depending on where you work.
Dassault Systèmes' created an amazing interactive 3D program that transports you back in time to ancient Egypt.
Ever wonder how the sound waves of your favorite album would look like if they were physically manifested in matter and space (aka 3D)?
There has been talk of virtual fitting rooms before, but nothing that looks as promising as this one.
What would you do with $55 million, four and a half years, and (probably) 55 million mouse brains?
Don't you hate it when you want to animate something in 3D and just can't find a program you can actually understand how to use?
Need a 3D model of a car engine for your next project? Gandoza has the latest and greatest for sale - plus at 50% off!
Kinect@Home wants to harness the power of all of those Kinects that roboticists and gamers have lying around out there and put them to work recording 3D models of, uh, pretty much everything.
Handy Potter, lets you create 3D objects simply by making their outline in the air, just like forming clay pottery.
The US Federal Government is going to invest in a 3D printing institute situated in our industrial heartland. Take that overseas manufactures!
Google is slowly adding 3D city views to its mobile maps, and today they included Denver and Seattle into the mix.
German artist Vincent Ullmann created this somewhat creepy but very impressive 3D animation by using some free stock HD video.