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General 3D News 
The Kinect has done something really cool again, but this time it includes more lasers than usual. Introducing HoloHands.
Nope, not kidding. A Dutch company called HotTug has created a real, useable boat that is actually a hot tub.
Welcome to the new era of tattoos, rendered in 3D.
The RainRoom is an art installation that allows you to walk through a downpour and not get wet, all thanks to 3D tracking cameras.
We visited Orlando for Halloween Horror Nights and previewed the Penn and Teller 3D House. Was it worth going to?
We have seen some fake iPhone hologram videos before, but this one seems pretty legit. Special crystals are used to distribute video in 3D...
Nobody wants to lend their brain for young surgeons to practice on, so a Canadian firm developed this amazing brain surgery simulator.
Tesco supermarkets have figured out a way to make a full interactive online 3D shopping experience, with a grocery store tailored to your needs.
We all have one; that dead PC that's been kicking around the basement since '99. What good could ever come of that piece of ancient computer scrap?
The 3D holographic print at the center of this table shares a captured memory, just like a photograph that would be hanging on your wall.
You have probably already seen the buzzing Apple releases today, including a new iPhone and a slew of iPods, but did you catch the awesome new earbuds?
A massive screen made only of water will project a 3D geometric 'psychedelic ballet' over a London's Regents' Canal this September.
A painting and a sculpture created by Peter Paul Rubens and Michelangelo were not fully made by the famous artists, new science says.
Seems like deer like their beer just as much as Germans. Funny!
Its 3D printed, powered by electricity, and goes really fast!
Garage doors are a thing of necessity, not a thing of beauty. But folks, it doesn't have to be this way.
Go behind the scenes with Duality, the immersive projection mapping experience that has been shown on the famous Atlantic City Boardwalk since July 4th.
Penn & Teller New(kd) Las Vegas Theme coming this fall, in 3D.
Everyone has used the boring seating charts on sports and music venue websites. Now you can see them in interactive 3D!
Hope to aid physicists and weather forecasters.
Researchers at Human Media Lab look to bring Star Trek on step closer.
3Dgeeks explains how Tupac's hologram appearance at this year's Coachella was created.