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3D Printing 
Kickstarter has been buzzing with new 3D printers that are coming to market, and this one just broke $1,000,000 in funding!
And they don't just sell 3D printers, they sell 3D printed... stuff!
The much anticipated MakerBot Replicator 2 was just announced with some awesome new features!
Most 3D printers on the market have to be assembled by you, which sucks. Afinia's new 3D printer is ready to go out of the box!
These sunglasses make that 8-bit pixel look super-stylish, but why do they cost so much?
This wild-looking 3D printed lamp with has multiple 'petals', and actually opens like a flower, offering more light.
A Bald Eagle is given a new beak. 3D printed, of course...
The massive 3D printing webstore Shapeways is even more massive than we thought.
Pirating music has never been this enjoyable... or as pointless.
Remember a few years ago when you went to a local library to use a computer? Now you can use a public 3D printer!