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3D Printed Meat Could Revolutionize the Food Industry
Posted by: Jesse on: 08/16/2012 04:40 AM [ Print |
Hungry? How about some 3D printed meat to chew on?
I'm serious.
This small company in Colombia, MO called Modern Meadows has won a grant from PayPal billionaire Peter Thiel's foundation for innovation. Modern Meadows wants to create a more environmentally friendly meat. We all know how much fuel it takes to get a cow from pasture to slaughter and on to the supermarket. A lot. This is also great news for Lady Gaga, who will be able to have a different meat-dress for every day of the week.

Researchers and engineers at Pennsylvania University are already working on developing 3D printers that are entirely dedicated to creating cellular material. Thanks to the technology from RepRap and MakerBot, this innovative take on 3D printing is one step closer to becoming a reality.
This type of technology not only opens the door for 3D printed food but also for the possible creation of human tissues. What the heck, pretty soon they could be printing people a much needed arm, leg, or even a brain!
I'm serious.
This small company in Colombia, MO called Modern Meadows has won a grant from PayPal billionaire Peter Thiel's foundation for innovation. Modern Meadows wants to create a more environmentally friendly meat. We all know how much fuel it takes to get a cow from pasture to slaughter and on to the supermarket. A lot. This is also great news for Lady Gaga, who will be able to have a different meat-dress for every day of the week.
Researchers and engineers at Pennsylvania University are already working on developing 3D printers that are entirely dedicated to creating cellular material. Thanks to the technology from RepRap and MakerBot, this innovative take on 3D printing is one step closer to becoming a reality.
This type of technology not only opens the door for 3D printed food but also for the possible creation of human tissues. What the heck, pretty soon they could be printing people a much needed arm, leg, or even a brain!