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Off Topic: Own a Real Submarine for just $500,000
Posted by: Jesse on: 06/14/2012 02:59 AM [ Print |
You can't tell me you've never though about cruising the ocean floor in you own personal submarine, galavanting from island to island completely unnoticed by unsuspecting boaters above you. Oops, I think I'm day dreaming again.
But seriously, this submarine (plus support ship, plus high-speed catamaran) are for sale in Freeport, Bahamas for only $499,000. The sub, built by Comex, is a whopping 62 feet long and can hold 45 passengers. This aluminum-hulled menace can bring it's sea-goers up to 260 feet under the oceans surface. If you are a scuba diver, then you know thats seriously deep! This sub is the largest passenger submarine in the world, and is also the world's only tourist sub with an acrylic pressure hull. She can make 10 one-hour dives per day and is powered by 10kW DC electric motors (its greener than a Prius!). Replacement value is $5 - $7 million.

The $500k price tag also includes 2 other vessels - a high speed transport catamaran and massive 85' support barge. The high speed catamaran can carry 90 passengers and travels up to 18 knots, plus has an onboard bathroom and can tow the support barge. Replacement value is $800,000.

The support barge is insanely huge. Its 85' (thats more of a ship than a boat) and weights 95 tons with steel hulls. The barge can move on its own for exact positioning, plus can lift the entire submarine completely out of the water using integrated hydraulic lifts. It can charge the subs batteries, load and unload passengers, and even includes a full size workshop. Replacement value is $2.6 million or less.

So, 3 insanely expensive ships for just $500k. Now your thinking "heck, I can buy those, thats a great deal". It really is! Plus, according to submarine expert L. Bruce Jones of US Submarines, "the most successful tourist submarine operating today has gross revenues of $1 million per month derived from a single 48-passenger submarine and associated souvenir sales. Annual net pre-tax revenue from this operation is in excess of $7 million. The profits are based on a 10-12 dive per day schedule, 330 operating days per year, a 90+% passenger load factor and a ticket price of $95. While this operation is, indeed, extraordinarily successful, it suffices to illustrate the profit potential of a tourist submarine operating business." Everything seems to be all set to start your new submarine business, so whats the catch?
Well, the vessels have been out of the water since 2000. Thats bad. The refit cost to get the submarine alone in safe working order is between $1.75 and $2.5 million. That doesn't include the catamaran, support barge, transport fees, or sales tax. I am as sad as you are. See the official ad here at Yacht World.
But please, if you are reading this article and haven't flinched at these big numbers that end with a lot of zeros, please remember 3DGeeks when you start making $1 million a month. Thanks!
But seriously, this submarine (plus support ship, plus high-speed catamaran) are for sale in Freeport, Bahamas for only $499,000. The sub, built by Comex, is a whopping 62 feet long and can hold 45 passengers. This aluminum-hulled menace can bring it's sea-goers up to 260 feet under the oceans surface. If you are a scuba diver, then you know thats seriously deep! This sub is the largest passenger submarine in the world, and is also the world's only tourist sub with an acrylic pressure hull. She can make 10 one-hour dives per day and is powered by 10kW DC electric motors (its greener than a Prius!). Replacement value is $5 - $7 million.
The $500k price tag also includes 2 other vessels - a high speed transport catamaran and massive 85' support barge. The high speed catamaran can carry 90 passengers and travels up to 18 knots, plus has an onboard bathroom and can tow the support barge. Replacement value is $800,000.
The support barge is insanely huge. Its 85' (thats more of a ship than a boat) and weights 95 tons with steel hulls. The barge can move on its own for exact positioning, plus can lift the entire submarine completely out of the water using integrated hydraulic lifts. It can charge the subs batteries, load and unload passengers, and even includes a full size workshop. Replacement value is $2.6 million or less.
So, 3 insanely expensive ships for just $500k. Now your thinking "heck, I can buy those, thats a great deal". It really is! Plus, according to submarine expert L. Bruce Jones of US Submarines, "the most successful tourist submarine operating today has gross revenues of $1 million per month derived from a single 48-passenger submarine and associated souvenir sales. Annual net pre-tax revenue from this operation is in excess of $7 million. The profits are based on a 10-12 dive per day schedule, 330 operating days per year, a 90+% passenger load factor and a ticket price of $95. While this operation is, indeed, extraordinarily successful, it suffices to illustrate the profit potential of a tourist submarine operating business." Everything seems to be all set to start your new submarine business, so whats the catch?
Well, the vessels have been out of the water since 2000. Thats bad. The refit cost to get the submarine alone in safe working order is between $1.75 and $2.5 million. That doesn't include the catamaran, support barge, transport fees, or sales tax. I am as sad as you are. See the official ad here at Yacht World.
But please, if you are reading this article and haven't flinched at these big numbers that end with a lot of zeros, please remember 3DGeeks when you start making $1 million a month. Thanks!