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Roomeon 3D-Planner 1.4
Posted by: Jesse on: 11/15/2012 06:01 PM [ 0 comment(s) ]
Author: Company: Roomeon | Downloaded:2387 times | Size: 48.6 MB | Price: FREE! | OS: Mac OS X, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP
No matter wether you are in an apartment, own a house, are building a house, or just redesigning a bedroom, we have all needed some sort of interior design software. But they always have some sort of problem; they are either expensive, complex and confusing, or just plain suck.
Cue Roomeon to come save the day. This wonderful room designer can help you create a realistic, professional looking 3D creation of exactly the ideas you have for you room or home. Not only is it super easy to use (because everything is drag-n-drop in 3D space), the furniture you use is real. Yes thats right, you have thousands of real pieces of furniture and home decor to decorate your house with, and the list is kept up to date with the major retailers and manufactures so you are sure to never go out of style.
3D renders are processed in real time, providing an easy to use natural flow. On the subject of natural, you also need to experience Roomeon's amazing lighting and shadows. They create an amazing natural look to your 3D space.
The best part? Its FREE! Personal usage is totally free, and legit designers can purchase a license with a bunch of other features for $15 a month. Get to Roomeon's website (http://en.roomeon.com) and see all the great features, or download it right now below.
Compatible with both Windows and Mac (beta). Download now!
Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8.
Mac OSX 10.6, 10.7, or 10.8. Version 10.8 also requires XQuartz: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing/