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MagicLeap just received a $502 million investment on top of its nearly $1.4 billion in existing funding. So what does that buy? At this point it is anyone's guess.
The intensely secretive company has a carefully managed public image; though there have been leaks and rumors from employees. Their website has some amazingly inspirational, if not vague, videos about its mission. Critics claim that MagicLeap is plagued with internal strife, including allegations of sexual harassment and that it relied heavily on CGI for its promotional videos to mislead people into thinking that they were farther along with their prototype than they really were.
Proponents say that what ML has accomplished is nothing short of amazing.
Say what you want, savvy behemoth GOOGLE (now Alphabet) was one of the first mega investors, which seems to say that there must be something to ML's claims. There is a media buzz that MagicLeap will issue some kind of announcement regarding their tech before the end of 2017.
So what do you think? When it comes to MagicLeap, will the cake turn out to be a lie Or a delicious Magical Leap in AR/MR technology?
Barring the usual open source limitations, all of the materials are royalty free and available for download just in time for your kid's next science project.