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BREAKING NEWS! The TV show "Insider" has reported that the rumored upcoming Elvis hologram has been confirmed.
John Carter is out on 3D.. I won't be buying it. Next.
Momentum for the Nintendo 3DS hand-held system continues to build, so Nintendo will be adding some great new games and video to the glasses-free 3D device.
Google rolled out its newest version of Google Maps today, and they really made a splash......
TandemLaunch Technologies, a Montreal-based accelerator for university inventions, revealed a number of advanced technologies at the SID Innovation Zone in Boston.
AUO received the Gold Award for the 2012 SID Display of the Year Award for its 55-in. 4K x 2K 2D/3D switchable glasses-free TV display. This award represents the industry's highest recognition given.
Today at the E3 conference, SCEA announced that the PS3 console will get two new full 3D games and much more blockbuster content.
The product is intended for commercial use to provide glasses free 3D signage. ...
Katy Perry just released this new video for her upcoming movie "Katy Perry: Part of Me", which will be realized July 5th in 3D.
These new processors will provide for smooth real-time playback of 3D content on its auto-stereoscopic 3D displays and bring no glasses 3D closer to the everyday consumer.
This article isn't about how to build a computer itself, its about how to make over 400 PC games into full 3D in 3 easy steps... for only $43!
Magnetic 3D, the global-leader in autostereoscopic “glasses-free” 3D displays and digital signage solutions, today announced its upcoming presence at key industry events in the month of June.
Sounds goofy, but here is how to get codes from specially marked Pops breakfast cereal boxes to see Spiderman 3 in 3D for free...
In a true feat of at-home geek engineering, WDwin3D created this popping 3D video of the Splash Mountain ride at Disney World's Magic Kingdom theme park. The surprising part is that it was all filmed "with a homemade rig built from stuff bought at Home Depot, and 2 Kodak Playsport waterproof cameras."
Max Payne 3 for PC is now available worldwide at retail and via digital download. Play it in full 3D with Nvidia 3D Vision!
Read the full story plus making of video inside!
Getting an ultrasound of your progressing baby is a big moment for any parent. Why not see it in 3D?
This June is a great month for 3D movie releases on Blu-ray DVD (especially if you want "beach babes" in 3D!). Here are the titles, sorted by release date...
Cambrionix's new universal charger can keep your iPhone, e-reader, and 3D Glasses ready for use at a moments notice....
1080p's replacement has already begun gracing Sony's manufacturing lines - introducing the Sony VPL-VW1000ES.
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