Posted by: Jesse on: 01/30/2013 04:44 PM
These two developers have been working with the open source SOUR 3D format, as well as a working prototype of their new game. Kumoshi (which means "cloud city" in Japanese) will be truly never ending - no matter how far you go in the map you will never run into a wall.
Since the world exists even when you're not there, things will be different every time you log in. It really is like real life, never being the same every time you walk out the door. Some of the other big ideas include user created content, which will be voted on by other users to determine what gets placed in the game. There will also be a full democratic political system, including mayors, governors, and even a president. Oh, did we mention its free?
Kumoshi needs your help to raise $100,000 to get the idea off the ground (servers and 3D development are expensive!). Help fund the dream and get really cool prizes - see it on Kickstarter here.