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Posted by: Beth Snyder on: 04/20/2016 12:39 AM
Naked looks pretty much like every other full-length mirror, but it offers something extra you can't find anywhere else. While it will show your reflection and calculate your weight when you stand on its attached scale, that scale also rotates to allow Naked to get a 3D scan of your entire body. Why would you want to do that? Most people wouldn't, truth be told. But for those who are dedicated to getting (or keeping) in shape, it can prove an invaluable tool.
Once the scan is done, your weight, body fat percentage, and detailed body measurements are sent to an app (iOS or Android) so you can check out where you fall. From there, you can track your muscle growth or fat loss over time so you can tell if you're on the right track or if you need to pay more attention to some areas you may be letting slide. This is done through Naked's heat maps, which highlight both problem and successful areas. The idea is to perform a scan daily, but it depends on how into it you really are... I would think weekly would also provide enough valuable knowledge to keep your fitness goals in line. You can even create a time lapse of the changes your body goes through if you need extra incentive or maybe just want to glory in how fit you've become.
The product is called Naked, but (thankfully) you don't have to be naked to use it. However, I'd bet most of us will be, since if you're the type of person who wants to keep track of your fitness level using a 3D model of your body you aren't going to want to take a chance that pair of shorts added bulk where you don't have any.
Naked looks pretty easy to set up and use, although you should note the mirror needs to be plugged into a standard electrical outlet. The scale charges wirelessly from the mirror's base. What's nice about that is you can store the scale up against the mirror when not in use to keep it out of your way, but you can pull it out when you do want to use it. The scale rotates "slowly", so you shouldn't have any issues with keeping your balance as you turn around like a ballerina in a music box... something those of you with poor balance may be concerned about.
Check out the video for more details on how Naked's 3D fitness tracker works:
Naked is set to ship starting in March 2017 at a suggested retail price of $999.00 US. But you can reserve yours now for $499.00 US (plus $50 shipping) for a total of just $549.00 US. That price is good through May 15th of this year.
Source: CoolThings

Naked looks pretty easy to set up and use, although you should note the mirror needs to be plugged into a standard electrical outlet. The scale charges wirelessly from the mirror's base. What's nice about that is you can store the scale up against the mirror when not in use to keep it out of your way, but you can pull it out when you do want to use it. The scale rotates "slowly", so you shouldn't have any issues with keeping your balance as you turn around like a ballerina in a music box... something those of you with poor balance may be concerned about.
Check out the video for more details on how Naked's 3D fitness tracker works:
Naked is set to ship starting in March 2017 at a suggested retail price of $999.00 US. But you can reserve yours now for $499.00 US (plus $50 shipping) for a total of just $549.00 US. That price is good through May 15th of this year.
Source: CoolThings