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Posted by: Jesse on: 11/30/2012 09:06 PM
The British company called PufferFish (I have no idea how fish are connect to video screens; it must be an British thing) has created what they call the PufferSphere.
PufferFish calls the displays "simple, portable, rugged". You can have them ground standing or inverted - there are no blank spots, no mirrors, and no secondary lenses. Honestly, I don't know how they do it! A projector is mounted inside the base of the display, then magic happens apparently. The displays can also be networked together to create a stunning choreography of light.
Pricing is unknown, but I definitely want one in my living room. Learn more at PufferFish's website.
The best way to explain this innovative display is video and pictures, so here you go:
PufferFish calls the displays "simple, portable, rugged". You can have them ground standing or inverted - there are no blank spots, no mirrors, and no secondary lenses. Honestly, I don't know how they do it! A projector is mounted inside the base of the display, then magic happens apparently. The displays can also be networked together to create a stunning choreography of light.
Pricing is unknown, but I definitely want one in my living room. Learn more at PufferFish's website.
The best way to explain this innovative display is video and pictures, so here you go:
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