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Posted by: Jesse on: 01/22/2013 10:28 PM
Janjaap Ruijssenaars (say that name 10 times fast) is planning to build what he calls the "Landscape House." Its 2-stories, but isn't your typical colonial... its laid out in a figure-eight shape.
Ruijssenaars says "one surface folded in an endless mobius band," where "floors transform into ceilings, inside into outside."
The printer that will be used is called D-Shape. It uses a printing process that includes sand and binding agents that lets builders make structures that are (supposedly) as strong as concrete. Kind of scary, but its supposed to work very well!

"Landscape House" will be the world's first full size 3D-printed building, and is estimated to cost a whopping $5 or $6 million. What happened to 3D printing being cheaper?
Expect to see it completed sometime in 2014.
Ruijssenaars says "one surface folded in an endless mobius band," where "floors transform into ceilings, inside into outside."
The printer that will be used is called D-Shape. It uses a printing process that includes sand and binding agents that lets builders make structures that are (supposedly) as strong as concrete. Kind of scary, but its supposed to work very well!

"Landscape House" will be the world's first full size 3D-printed building, and is estimated to cost a whopping $5 or $6 million. What happened to 3D printing being cheaper?
Expect to see it completed sometime in 2014.