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Posted by: Jesse on: 08/25/2012 12:14 AM
Here's a revisit of our 3D Boobies pic and an excellent example of what happens when we are bored. Hope the rest of you found the joke as funny. ;)
The Booby is a sea bird which have the ability to dive and pursue their prey underwater. Known for their tameness, the Booby is easily captured eaten by hungry sailors (Back when they did such a thing). Because of this the name is thought to have been derived from the Spanish term 'bobo' meaning 'stupid'.
For a number of tech reasons, that we wont burden you with the above Pinit code wont work with this image - If you'd like to pin. Try this:
We recommend this sound track while viewing.
You need red/blue 3D glasses to view this image. Click here to purchase our very own Limited Edition 3DGeeks glasses for just $.99!
The Booby is a sea bird which have the ability to dive and pursue their prey underwater. Known for their tameness, the Booby is easily captured eaten by hungry sailors (Back when they did such a thing). Because of this the name is thought to have been derived from the Spanish term 'bobo' meaning 'stupid'.
For a number of tech reasons, that we wont burden you with the above Pinit code wont work with this image - If you'd like to pin. Try this:

We recommend this sound track while viewing.
You need red/blue 3D glasses to view this image. Click here to purchase our very own Limited Edition 3DGeeks glasses for just $.99!
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