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Posted by: Administrator on: 05/23/2013 01:58 PM
Bothered by all the press that 3D gun printing has received lately, the folks ate Michigan Tech have designed a contest to promote Peace through 3d printing.
"We are challenging the 3D printing community to design things that advance the cause of peace. This is an open-ended contest, but if you’d like some ideas, ask yourself what Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, or Ghandi would make if they’d had access to 3D printing."
Some of the suggestins they make for entiers like, low-cost medical devices and objects to improve energy efficiency, are already in play but they are challenging engeineers to think out of the box with ideas like "reduce wars over oil" or "designs that can reduce racial conflict".
Entry is available to anyone and 1st prize is a fully assembled, open-source Type A Machine Series 1 3D Printer. woot!
Designs must be printable using a RepRap or similar open-source FDM printer. Only designs submitted to Thingiverse before September 1, 2013, will be considered.
If you don’t have a Thingiverse account, create your free account and profile at http://www.thingiverse.com/register.
Click on “share more things” and upload your design. Upload the source files for your 3D designs (e.g. CAD files), not just the rendered output as CC-BY-SA. This allows others to improve your design and to make what you designed.
Include a short design description of the design and the impact the completed product will have on creating and sustaining peace.
Include citations! If the design is derived from a previous design or idea, attribution is necessary.
Tag your design “Peace Contest”
For more info check out their contest page: http://www.mtu.edu/materials/printersforpeace/
"We are challenging the 3D printing community to design things that advance the cause of peace. This is an open-ended contest, but if you’d like some ideas, ask yourself what Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, or Ghandi would make if they’d had access to 3D printing."
Some of the suggestins they make for entiers like, low-cost medical devices and objects to improve energy efficiency, are already in play but they are challenging engeineers to think out of the box with ideas like "reduce wars over oil" or "designs that can reduce racial conflict".
Entry is available to anyone and 1st prize is a fully assembled, open-source Type A Machine Series 1 3D Printer. woot!
For more info check out their contest page: http://www.mtu.edu/materials/printersforpeace/
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