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Posted by: Jim on: 02/20/2013 06:51 PM
That is exactly what the 3Doodler can do. The pen, created by Wobble Works is essentially a hand held 3D Printer that "draws" with heated plastics to form whatever you like. You simply load whatever color plastic filament into the back of the device and the pen releases the heated plastic in a controlled way cooling rapidly as you place it and letting your imagination run wild. It seems very well suited for wire mesh designs and I could easily see incorporating other elements into the drawings. For example: Lets say you do not like the frames on your glasses. Pop out the lens and draw your own. You could be the height of fashion in minutes.
The project is launched on Kickstarter raising over 780,000 as of posting. there are multiple levels of suppor if you want to get involved, with funding closing March 25.

To help promo the product, the guys at 3Doodler have enlisted the help of Esty artist Ruth Jensen, Bud Bullivant and Elle McKay to show off what the pen can do. (Genius)
The project is launched on Kickstarter raising over 780,000 as of posting. there are multiple levels of suppor if you want to get involved, with funding closing March 25.

To help promo the product, the guys at 3Doodler have enlisted the help of Esty artist Ruth Jensen, Bud Bullivant and Elle McKay to show off what the pen can do. (Genius)