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Posted by: Beth Snyder on: 03/16/2016 12:26 AM

How it works is almost ridiculously simple. Each 3Doodler pen comes with a starter pack of plastic sticks. Just put a stick into the pen, turn it on, and you're ready to begin drawing whatever your heart desires. The difference between the regular version and the kid-safe version is temperature. The kid version only has one extruding speed and it's pretty slow, but that's because it has a single temperature setting in order to keep the tip safe for children to use without worrying about burns.
Which is not to say your kids should use the 3Doodler without adult supervision, not at all. They're actually pushing to get this version into schools, to get kids into the world of 3D printing earlier. But if for some reason the kids end up touching the tip (and you know they will), the tip won't burn them. You can even doodle right on your skin without fear of injury.

Source: Engadget