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Contributed by: Beth Snyder on: 04/04/2015 01:53 AM
OK, fine, it's not actually a 3D printer at all. It's a robotic arm that squeezes Easy Cheese out of the can and makes squares.
Well, no. It doesn't really do that very well, either.
Basically, what we've got here is complete ridiculousness in the guise of something that would be really cool if you had unlimited time and an endless supply of laziness. Because as near as I can tell, the only thing this is actually good for is putting Easy Cheese on a cracker... and if you can't handle doing that yourself then you've got issues. On the other hand, this could come in handy during hockey playoffs, since it's hard to tear my eyes away from the screen and sometimes I need a snack.
You really should check out the video, which is slightly NSFW (language). It made me giggle, so hopefully it'll add a little humour to your day as well.
Source: That's Nerdalicious
Well, no. It doesn't really do that very well, either.
Basically, what we've got here is complete ridiculousness in the guise of something that would be really cool if you had unlimited time and an endless supply of laziness. Because as near as I can tell, the only thing this is actually good for is putting Easy Cheese on a cracker... and if you can't handle doing that yourself then you've got issues. On the other hand, this could come in handy during hockey playoffs, since it's hard to tear my eyes away from the screen and sometimes I need a snack.
You really should check out the video, which is slightly NSFW (language). It made me giggle, so hopefully it'll add a little humour to your day as well.
Source: That's Nerdalicious